
Persimmons grow almost everywhere in Azerbaijan.

Persimmons grow almost everywhere in Azerbaijan.

The trees thrive in a warm, humid climate - about 250 kg of fruit can be harvested from one. But persimmons are accustomed to cold weather and can withstand slight frosts.

The following varieties are particularly revered in Azerbaijan:

- “Sharon” is an early-ripening fruit that does not contain seeds and does not stick to the mouth;
- "Korolek" - fruits with dark pulp with a honey taste;
- "Bull's heart" - got its name due to its size and shape. The pulp is soft and not very sweet, since it is not quite ripe when it reaches the shelves, it often knits;
— “Fig.” It also grows in China, however, the Azerbaijani variety is super-sweet, unlike its insipid counterpart.

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